What Should I Do With My Life?

If you are looking for answers to the questions like “what do I do with my life?”, “What am I supposed to do with my life?”, “What is the meaning of life?” etc. and so on, then I assure you that you have comes to the right place.

And as you are here reading this, I can sense that you are feeling a little down and lost as you are looking for such answers so that you can take the right direction in life.

The number of reasons could be numerous behind looking for an answer to this particular question. You could be enjoying a good life with your family while all of a sudden you are hit with this harsh question, “what the hell am I doing with my life?”

Or, you may suddenly realize that you are merely living for yourself but barely doing something for the welfare of others. Or, you may get angry on yourself for not having any particular goal, for not being productive enough.

But what I want to tell you at this point is that:

Everyone, at some point in their life, is faced with this question. So don’t be anxious or restless since you’re not the only one. However, contrary to what I just said, not everyone has the courage to look for the answer to this question. It takes self-realization, uprightness, virtue, consciousness and wisdom to really understand what you want to do with your life.

So you really want the answers? Okay, here we go!

Get Up!

When I say get up I don’t mean to wake you up from sleep. However, if you see it metaphorically, then yes. You need to get out of your slumber - the daydreams that you do while being awake. You need to act in accordance with your thoughts.

Become a go-getter. And in order to make all these happen, you need to get up first. Fix a target. Do what excites you. Waking yourself up is equivalent to the warm-up exercise to set off with a brand new adventure in life.

And don’t be stagnant. Whatever happens, just keep moving forward. The moment you sit idle is the moment all the creepy thoughts will carry you away to a land where you don't wanna dwell. So remember the first step – whenever you sit down to rest, don’t forget to get up.

Find Out What Gives You Satisfaction and Zeal

Having satisfaction with what you are doing should be your first priority. You need to find out what brings you satisfaction and happiness in this case though. You need to peep into yourself, search and keep on searching until you find out what gives you satisfaction and zeal.

Once found, appoint yourself in doing what brings the ultimate satisfaction out of you.

If painting gives you satisfaction, then start playing with colours and paint your thoughts. If reading gives you fulfilment, then bury your face in some good books.

And if you want to pursue money, then do what you love, chase your dreams; the money will automatically follow. My point is that whatever you do, do it in your own satisfactory way and do it with all your heart.

Have a Clear Understanding of What You Really Want

Before you ask “what do I do with my life”, ask thyself “what do I love to do?”

Here’s the secret: If you get to the right question about any problem, you have already solved it 90%.

You need to find out what the things you love to do. You need to find out the things you want. I know it’s harder than said but believe me, you already know what you want in your life.
Make a list of things you want in your life. Take your time. The list may look like this:

  • To become financially stable
  • Buy a house of own
  • Buy a car 
  • Make sure that my dependents i.e. parents, spouse and children are secure in my absence
  • Have a good health
  • Get a girlfriend/boyfriend
  • Get married
  • Have a good job with a decent pay
  • Start-up my own business
  • Save a considerable amount of money for the future
  • To learn a new trade
  • Find happiness in the small things
  • Help those who are not privileged enough
  • Live a worry and stress-free life
After you are done with the list, consider these two aspects:

  • First, think about the negative sides of a particular choice.
For instance, “what if I don’t become financially stable?” If having and not having what you want has the same result, you need to drop that from the list.

  • Second, Consider whether the thing you want will still matter after 5 years or not.
For instance, let’s say you’re focused on “Buying a car”. Now, will it matter after 5 years if you don’t buy it now? If the answer is a NO, then you need to drop that too from the list.

Apply this method to have a shortened list. This way you will be left with only the things that you want but also the things that you actually need. As a final point, be patient make sure that you act upon the things you want in accordance with the list.

Because merely making big plans would be of no effect if you do not take any necessary action to achieve it.

Know What You Do Not Want

Knowing what you do not want is equally as important as knowing what you want from your life. Nobody would like to have a life full of stress or heavy financial burdens. And this is why making a list of things you do not want is extremely important.

Face Your Failures with Pleasure

You need to understand that the word “FAIL” is not bad at all. It’s rather just another side of the same coin. Failure is absolutely necessary to winning big. You need to fail big in order to acquire massive success. In my opinion, failures are the doorways to success.

So don’t be miserable if you are failing every now or then in each of your single undertakings. Just don’t forget to take the lesson from it. Move on, try again and fail even bigger the next time!
But most importantly, enjoy the entire process of failing. Sooner or later, you will find for yourself where all these failures take you in life.

Until then, keep on failing with a big smile. And rather than being hard on yourself by saying demoralizing things like “I’m such a good for nothing”, say “damn! I got to learn something new which I could have never known if it wasn’t for this failure”

Know that failure is a blessing in disguise.

It’s Okay to Not Knowing All the Answers

You need to accept this thing that not knowing the answers to all the questions that pop in your head is totally okay. Don’t rush the process of your daily life. There’s a saying that “You will cross the bridge when you get to it”.
This means you will automatically know the answers to all your questions at the right time. By seeking the answers to the questions you will only hasten the process and it will result in anxiety and depression.

It’s Time to Break-up with Your Comfort Zone

Staying in the comfort zone could be more deleterious than you though. It not only strangles your potentials to rise higher but also destroys competence. So if you feel at ease and comfort with anything, be it your job, life or financial matters – you need to break up with it right this moment.
The beginning of real life and its growth happen the moment you get out of your comfort zone.

Keep Looking

If you are still clueless as to what to do and not to do with your life, here’s what gotta do: “keep looking”. When I say keep looking it means to keep looking for new ideas, plans, outlook and everything you are seeking.
Just be careful, calm and attentive. Sooner or later you will figure out everything. And, until then, don’t rush anything. Go with the flow. Don’t take up too much stress. Nobody’s getting out of here alive, so don’t be too serious all the time.


Remember that you can’t outrun time. And every single human being on this planet earth has their own timeframe upon which they work, act, operate and function. The task which may take me 3 months to solve could take a mere hour for someone else.

So the secret is to keep moving forward no matter what. Have control of your mind. First, know your potential, know yourself and then take the plunge. At every point of life, remember that material world or money (if you are seeking for it) is not everything. And not everyone’s going to be a millionaire or billionaire. I know it’s sad, but is it really that sad?
Because I can assure you that you also have something in YOU that is worth any expensive material in the universe. Until then, good luck finding the real you and RELAX because nothing is in control.


  1. Awesome...... I can easily relate to it.

  2. Good thought.The bottom line is take life as it comes..but you should prepare for the surprises.


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